Ian Alistair Cochran_Plump Resin Side Table_Solid Resin_W 27 x H 21 x L 28 in -2.JPG__PID:a68c12c3-1b3a-49eb-a00a-6f214cebcfca
Closeups Ian_0000_IanCochran_PlumpConsole_Yellow_02.jpg__PID:67fb65c1-40cb-4082-acf3-6bc7d1171e15
in_0001_Yellow Dew Drop3 (1).jpg__PID:50a68c12-c31b-4a89-ab60-0a6f214cebcf
Closeups Ian_0001_Lavendar Plump Console2.jpg__PID:fb65c140-cb60-42ec-b36b-c7d1171e153b
Closeups Ian_0003_Background.jpg__PID:c140cb60-82ec-436b-87d1-171e153b7c41
Yellow Dew Drop9.JPG__PID:7a975bb6-8414-4d71-bdae-f59116544ca5
Echo III_Ian Cochran_.jpg__PID:5bb68414-6d71-4dae-b591-16544ca5c24b
Plump Floating Console 5.JPG__PID:c24b1600-58b9-48a2-9187-867260d83d35
Closeups Ian_0002_Dew Drop in red 2.jpg__PID:65c140cb-6082-4cf3-abc7-d1171e153b7c
Echo III_Ian Cochran_.jpg__PID:6d717dae-f591-4654-8ca5-c24b160058b9

Polyurethane Resin

Polyurethane resin showcases vibrant colors and a glossy finish. This material provides sleek textures and contemporary aesthetics. The material can be molded into a wide variety of shapes and forms, allowing for unique and creative designs. With a translucent finish, polyurethane resin works can mimic the look of glass or crystal, offering a modern appearance. 

Aegean Blue.jpg__PID:f8c6b2c5-003b-4e7a-9cbd-8cd06fb2c0c6




Topaz Yellow.jpg__PID:bd8cd06f-b2c0-46ea-9de2-45f9e2cded49


Watermelon Red.jpg__PID:8cd06fb2-c0c6-4a1d-a245-f9e2cded4940


Ocean Blue.jpg__PID:8e7adcbd-8cd0-4fb2-80c6-ea1de245f9e2




Mantiz Green.jpg__PID:3b8e7adc-bd8c-406f-b2c0-c6ea1de245f9


Penny red.jpg__PID:7adcbd8c-d06f-42c0-86ea-1de245f9e2cd


Honey Dew.jpg__PID:003b8e7a-dcbd-4cd0-afb2-c0c6ea1de245


Bold Blue.jpg__PID:c6b2c500-3b8e-4adc-bd8c-d06fb2c0c6ea


Deep Olive.jpg__PID:c5003b8e-7adc-4d8c-906f-b2c0c6ea1de2


Material Variations, Limitations and Disclaimer

The colors portrayed in the imagery on this website or provided during communications may be different in person. Due to the bespoke nature of the work and materials used, variations in tone, hue or saturation can happen both from the pigment process and from the shape and volume of the works. The studio provides material samples during the ordering process to help with this. However, transparent colored materials are affected by the lighting and backgrounds that they are against and will appear warmer or cooler, darker or lighter in their setting.

Resin as a material is easily repairable but care needs to be taken to keep it looking its best. Coasters should be used on surfaces and felt feet should be applied to rough objects such as ceramic vases.All surfaces should be cleaned with a soft rag or microcloth. Cleaners should be specifically for plastics. The preferred cleaner is Pledge Furniture Polish, it will leave a polished area without harming the material. Do Not Use glass surface cleaners.

About The Designer

Ian Cochra with the Dew Drop.jpg__PID:5b3825c5-176a-42b4-a251-93f9c87f0dcf

Ian Alistair Cochran

Ian Cochran is an artist and designer working in Chicago. Ian has exhibited works at Wanted Design Manhattan, ICFF and Design Miami. He has also received the honor of being in Dwell Magazines “Dwell 24," a selection of the most promising creatives and duos, 35 and younger, who are testing the limits of art and design. Ian works with object making much the way he does in his artistic endeavors, investigating the visual phenomenon of our experiential world that both informs and inspires.

full collection

Plump Series

Plump Bench
Plump Bench
Plump Bench
Plump Bench
Plump Bench
Plump Bench
Plump Bench
Plump Bench
Plump Bench
Plump Bench
Plump Bench
Plump Bench
Plump Bench
Plump Bench
Plump Bench
Plump Bench
Plump Bench
Plump Bench
Plump Bench
Plump Bench
Plump Bench
Plump Bench

Plump Bench

Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue
Plump Chair in Bold Blue

Plump Chair in Bold Blue

Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue
Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue

Plump Coffee Table in Bold Blue

Contemporary and playful transparent side table in resin by Ian Alistair Cochran. Represented by collectible design gallery Tuleste Factory in Chelsea, NYC.
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Front view of unique contemporary and playful transparent side table in resin by Ian Alistair Cochran. Represented by collectible design gallery Tuleste Factory in Chelsea, NYC.
Texture Detail of Table
Contemporary and playful transparent side table in resin by Ian Alistair Cochran. Represented by collectible design gallery Tuleste Factory in Chelsea, NYC.
Plump Resin Side Table
Contemporary and playful transparent side table in resin by Ian Alistair Cochran. Represented by collectible design gallery Tuleste Factory in Chelsea, NYC.
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Contemporary and playful transparent side table in resin by Ian Alistair Cochran. Represented by collectible design gallery Tuleste Factory in Chelsea, NYC.
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Front view of unique contemporary and playful transparent side table in resin by Ian Alistair Cochran. Represented by collectible design gallery Tuleste Factory in Chelsea, NYC.
Texture Detail of Table
Contemporary and playful transparent side table in resin by Ian Alistair Cochran. Represented by collectible design gallery Tuleste Factory in Chelsea, NYC.
Plump Resin Side Table
Contemporary and playful transparent side table in resin by Ian Alistair Cochran. Represented by collectible design gallery Tuleste Factory in Chelsea, NYC.
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table
Plump Resin Side Table

Plump Resin Side Table

Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table
Plump Coffee Table

Plump Coffee Table

Dew Series

Mini Dew Drop in Watermelon Red
Mini Dew Drop in Watermelon Red
Mini Dew Drop in Watermelon Red
Mini Dew Drop in Watermelon Red
Mini Dew Drop in Watermelon Red
Mini Dew Drop in Watermelon Red
Mini Dew Drop in Watermelon Red
Mini Dew Drop in Watermelon Red
Mini Dew Drop in Watermelon Red
Mini Dew Drop in Watermelon Red
Mini Dew Drop in Watermelon Red
Mini Dew Drop in Watermelon Red
Mini Dew Drop in Watermelon Red
Mini Dew Drop in Watermelon Red
Mini Dew Drop in Watermelon Red
Mini Dew Drop in Watermelon Red
Mini Dew Drop in Watermelon Red
Mini Dew Drop in Watermelon Red
Mini Dew Drop in Watermelon Red
Mini Dew Drop in Watermelon Red
Mini Dew Drop in Watermelon Red
Mini Dew Drop in Watermelon Red

Mini Dew Drop in Watermelon Red

Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Chic and playful side table or transparent resin stool by artist Ian Alistair Cochran. Available through collectible design gallery Tuleste Factory in New York City.
Chic and playful side table or transparent resin stool by artist Ian Alistair Cochran. Available through collectible design gallery Tuleste Factory in New York City.
Chic and playful side table or transparent resin stool by artist Ian Alistair Cochran. Available through collectible design gallery Tuleste Factory in New York City.
Chic and playful side table or transparent resin stool by artist Ian Alistair Cochran. Available through collectible design gallery Tuleste Factory in New York City.
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Chic and playful side table or transparent resin stool by artist Ian Alistair Cochran. Available through collectible design gallery Tuleste Factory in New York City.
Chic and playful side table or transparent resin stool by artist Ian Alistair Cochran. Available through collectible design gallery Tuleste Factory in New York City.
Chic and playful side table or transparent resin stool by artist Ian Alistair Cochran. Available through collectible design gallery Tuleste Factory in New York City.
Chic and playful side table or transparent resin stool by artist Ian Alistair Cochran. Available through collectible design gallery Tuleste Factory in New York City.
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow
Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow

Small Dew Drop in Topaz Yellow

Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple
Medium Dew Drop in Purple

Medium Dew Drop in Purple

Big Dew Drop in Citrine
Big Dew Drop in Citrine
Big Dew Drop in Citrine
Big Dew Drop in Citrine
Big Dew Drop in Citrine
Big Dew Drop in Citrine
Big Dew Drop in Citrine
Big Dew Drop in Citrine
Big Dew Drop in Citrine
Big Dew Drop in Citrine
Big Dew Drop in Citrine
Big Dew Drop in Citrine
Big Dew Drop in Citrine
Big Dew Drop in Citrine
Big Dew Drop in Citrine
Big Dew Drop in Citrine
Big Dew Drop in Citrine
Big Dew Drop in Citrine
Big Dew Drop in Citrine
Big Dew Drop in Citrine
Big Dew Drop in Citrine
Big Dew Drop in Citrine
Big Dew Drop in Citrine
Big Dew Drop in Citrine

Big Dew Drop in Citrine

Echo Series

Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue
Echo I Side Table in Blue

Echo I Side Table in Blue

Echo II Side Table in Rosé
Echo II Side Table in Rosé
Echo II Side Table in Rosé
Echo II Side Table in Rosé
Echo II Side Table in Rosé
Echo II Side Table in Rosé
Echo II Side Table in Rosé
Echo II Side Table in Rosé
Echo II Side Table in Rosé
Echo II Side Table in Rosé
Echo II Side Table in Rosé
Echo II Side Table in Rosé
Echo II Side Table in Rosé
Echo II Side Table in Rosé
Echo II Side Table in Rosé
Echo II Side Table in Rosé
Echo II Side Table in Rosé
Echo II Side Table in Rosé
Echo II Side Table in Rosé
Echo II Side Table in Rosé
Echo II Side Table in Rosé
Echo II Side Table in Rosé
Echo II Side Table in Rosé
Echo II Side Table in Rosé

Echo II Side Table in Rosé

Echo Side Table III in Ocean
Echo Side Table III in Ocean
Echo Side Table III in Ocean
Echo Side Table III in Ocean
Echo Side Table III in Ocean
Echo Side Table III in Ocean
Echo Side Table III in Ocean
Echo Side Table III in Ocean
Echo Side Table III in Ocean
Echo Side Table III in Ocean
Echo Side Table III in Ocean
Echo Side Table III in Ocean
Echo Side Table III in Ocean
Echo Side Table III in Ocean
Echo Side Table III in Ocean
Echo Side Table III in Ocean
Echo Side Table III in Ocean
Echo Side Table III in Ocean
Echo Side Table III in Ocean
Echo Side Table III in Ocean
Echo Side Table III in Ocean
Echo Side Table III in Ocean
Echo Side Table III in Ocean
Echo Side Table III in Ocean

Echo Side Table III in Ocean

Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Green side table made from solid cast resin by Ian Cochran. Represented by Tuleste Factory, an art & design gallery in Chelsea, New York city.
Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Echo III Slender in Penny Red
Green side table made from solid cast resin by Ian Cochran. Represented by Tuleste Factory, an art & design gallery in Chelsea, New York city.

Echo III Slender in Penny Red

Echo Coffee Table
Resin coffee table by designer Ian Cochran. Represented by Tuleste Factory, an art & design gallery in Chelsea, New York.
Detail of resin coffee table by designer Ian Cochran. Represented by Tuleste Factory, an art & design gallery in Chelsea, New York.
Echo Coffee Table
Echo Coffee Table
Echo Coffee Table
Echo Coffee Table
Echo Coffee Table
Echo Coffee Table
Echo Coffee Table
Echo Coffee Table
Echo Coffee Table
Echo Coffee Table
Echo Coffee Table
Echo Coffee Table
Echo Coffee Table
Resin coffee table by designer Ian Cochran. Represented by Tuleste Factory, an art & design gallery in Chelsea, New York.
Detail of resin coffee table by designer Ian Cochran. Represented by Tuleste Factory, an art & design gallery in Chelsea, New York.
Echo Coffee Table
Echo Coffee Table
Echo Coffee Table
Echo Coffee Table
Echo Coffee Table
Echo Coffee Table
Echo Coffee Table
Echo Coffee Table
Echo Coffee Table
Echo Coffee Table
Echo Coffee Table
Echo Coffee Table

Echo Coffee Table

Custom Commissions

Ready Ian_0003_Lavendar Plump Console 2.jpg__PID:54efdea5-bc69-433a-b5e6-39451b97761e
Ready Ian_0004_Dew Drop in Yellow1.jpg__PID:5354efde-a5bc-49b3-ba75-e639451b9776
Ready Ian_0000_IanCochran_PlumpConsole_Yellow_01.jpg__PID:8a905354-efde-45bc-a9b3-3a75e639451b
Ready Ian_0005_337396764_1171464073509604_7844314085662914688_n.jpg__PID:905354ef-dea5-4c69-b33a-75e639451b97
Ready Ian_0002_339680105_234809209097056_8603398643216970682_n.jpg__PID:efdea5bc-69b3-4a75-a639-451b97761e78
Ready Ian_0001_339830668_1890968047922901_6683807187990401041_n.jpg__PID:dea5bc69-b33a-45e6-b945-1b97761e7884

Let's Connect 

For exclusive access to future events by Tuleste Factory