Sculpted Layers by Dean & Dahl

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Plaster is a versatile building material used for molding and coating. It can be shaped into various forms and designs, allowing for highly customizable and intricate furniture pieces. Plaster allows for endless finishing possibilities; it can be sanded for a refined and smooth surface, or sculpted thickly to achieve a textured, more rugged appearance. It can be painted or pigmented, offering a wide range of color options to suit different interior design styles.



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Material Variations, Limitations and Disclaimer

Workability: Plaster is easy to shape and apply, allowing for intricate designs and smooth finishes.
Durability: Plaster is very durable and long-lasting. It is structurally sound, especially when combined with load-bearing metal/wooden components.
Customization: All pieces are fully customizable in terms of color, shape, size & more attributes.

About The Designer

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Dean & Dahl

Since the early 20th century, couples like Charles and Ray Eames have demonstrated that the union of two different designers often produces stronger design; Gabriel and Brooke Anderson continue this tradition. In 2015, they launched their furniture brand, Gabriel Dean Design. Their work lies within the space between rigorous mathematical precision and an almost whimsical freedom of form. Now Gabriel and Brooke are applying those same sensibilities to the field of interior design, with their new venture: Dean & Dahl. 

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